What is Humic Acid?
Humic Acid is the commercial term often used to refer to the combined humic and Fulvic Acid content found in these naturally occurring deposits. Humic acid is known to be among the most bio-chemically active materials found in soil.
The term “humus” dates back to the time of the Romans, when it was frequently used to designate the soil as a whole. It was later applied to the organic matter of soils and composts, or to different fractions of this organic matter; as well as, to complexes formed from a variety of natural organic substances. Humus compounds are complex natural organic compounds that are formed in soils from plant residues, by a process of “humification”. Humus materials are a complex aggregate of brown to dark coloured amorphous substances, which have originated during the decomposition of plant and animal residues by microorganisms, under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, in soils, composts, peat bogs, and water basins. Chemically, humus consists of certain constituents of the original plant material resistant to further decomposition; of substances undergoing decomposition; of complexes resulting from decomposition, either by processes of hydrolysis or by oxidation and reduction; and of various compounds synthesised by microorganisms.
Why use Humic Acid?
Today, there is a recognised and increasing use of humic acids for their beneficial impact on the growth and cultivation of crops (vegetable and non-vegetable), citrus, turf, flowers, and particularly in organically-deficient soils. Humic Acid is not a fertiliser as it does not directly provide nutrients to plants, but is a compliment to fertiliser. Benefits include:
- Addition of organic matter to organically-deficient soils
- Increase root vitality
- Improved nutrient uptake
- Increased chlorophyll synthesis
- Better seed germination
- Increased fertiliser retention
- Stimulate beneficial microbial activity
- Healthier plants and improved yields
How does Humic Acid improve the soil?
When applied to clay soils, Humic Acid can help break up compacted soils, allowing for enhanced water penetration and better root zone growth and development. When applied to sandy soils, Humic Acid adds essential organic material necessary for water retention thus improving root growth and enhancing the sandy soil’s ability to retain and not leach out vital plant nutrients.
View our products with Humic Acid