October is a fantastic time to get your vegetable garden in full swing as the weather warms up. It is also a great time to use a very popular product from Southern Humates called “Super Charger” This is made up of a wonderful blend of sheep and chicken manure along with blood and bone and of course our very own humate. This is a premium all-round fertiliser that covers pretty much all bases. Note that each one of those individual items in Super Charger pellets are great by themselves but when blended they become an awesome product.

This time of year, in mid-spring, is excellent for adding Super Charger pellets into your garden. Adding a handful to each hole mixed in with the topsoil/compost or apply around existing plants.  Application rates are on the bags.

I have listed below a short list of plants that you can plant at this time of year. At planting remember to add your Super Charger pellets to give them a head start and to thrive.

  • Tomatoes: October is really the ideal time for planting tomatoes. They thrive in warmer soil, and by adding a handful of Super Charger pellets to the soil can help improve nutrient uptake, leading to healthier plants and better yields.
  • Beans, capsicums, chillies pumpkins, squash and sweetcorn. These can all be planted now: they love rich, well-drained soil, and the addition of humates in the mix can help by increasing microbial activity, leading to more robust plants.
  • Carrots and Beetroots: These root vegetables can be sown directly.
  • Lettuce and Spinach: Continue sowing leafy greens for a continuous harvest.

Prepare the Soil: Before planting, ensure your soil is well-prepared. Dig in compost, aged manure, or organic matter to boost soil fertility. Adding our organic humates at this stage can improve soil structure, enhance nutrient availability, and support beneficial soil microbes.

Organic humates can also boost the availability of essential nutrients like potassium, which is crucial for fruiting plants. Incorporating humates into the soil can promote vigorous growth and improve the soil’s overall fertility as well as building strong root systems, ensuring your plants are resilient and productive. Humates aid in soil aeration and reduce compaction, which is particularly beneficial for root development and can enhance the growth of leafy vegetables by improving nutrient availability and soil moisture.

Using humates in your garden not only enhances plant health but also improves soil structure, making your vegetable garden more productive and sustainable throughout the growing season.

These tips should help you make the most of your garden this October, ensuring healthy plants and a bountiful harvest.

Dave Garden Products can now be bought from all good gardening retail outlets.

Happy Gardening!

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