June in your garden…

June in your garden…

June is a good month for doing maintenance work in your garden as we leave behind autumn and start thinking about preparing the garden for the winter planting. Let go of those summer plants that have expired and either put into a compost bin or use as a soil additive....
Your garden in May

Your garden in May

May is the perfect time to plant bulbs and Daves Garden Products has the ideal product to maximise the quality, colour and size of bulbs. Our BioGro certified Liquid organic humate is an outstanding product to use when planting any types of tubers such as seed...
April: in your garden

April: in your garden

April is the middle month of autumn and is generally regarded as one of nature’s key planting times as the soils are most often still warm and moist. With soil being the engine room of the garden, there’s no better way to revitalise it and to create a great...
Autumn is here

Autumn is here

Autumn arrives this month and so with that a timely reminder of what activities to do in the garden in preparation for the coming months ahead. As the hot summer days wane, it’s time to plan and prepare the soil for the autumn and winter garden. Firstly, autumn is a...
Autumn has arrived!

Autumn has arrived!

Hey guys,   As temperatures plummet and the nights draw in quicker, it can only mean one thing. Autumn is here well and truly and so is nature’s planting time as the soils are warm and moist! Plants have the winter to settle their roots into the soil ready...

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